“Ceglorz” is a colloquial name for the machine factory, established in 1846 by Hipolit Cegielski - a famous inhabitant of Poznań, a patriot and a promoter of organic work. 110 years later, in the morning of 28 June 1956, the workers of the (Joseph Stalin) then nationalized plant began a strike which turned into Poznań June - the first general strike in the People’s Republic of Poland and street demonstrations against the authorities, bloodily suppressed by the army and police. The “Cegielski” factory aroused the interest of Teatr Ósmego Dnia not only because of the place it occupies in Polish history; the artists are interested mostly in people linked to it - their beliefs, individual stories, dramas. As they say: “We talked to the present and former employees of “Ceglorz”. Thanks to them, we started to understand their work in a different way. We saw that its ethos is disappearing as are the communities which it used to create.” During Malta Festival Poznań outdoor version of the project will be shown. For more information visit the blog www.osmego.blox.pl.
project production: Teatr Ósmego Dnia in cooperation with Inicjatywa Pracownicza at HCP
Premiere during Malta Festival Poznań 2013
Coproduction: Malta Festival Poznań, Fundacja Teatru Ósmego Dnia in cooperation with H.Cegielski - Poznań S.A.
Teatr Ósmego Dnia, formed in 1964 by students of Polish Studies, became in the 1970s one of the most significant alternative groups in Poland and later also around the world. It produced political shows and its members were involved in opposition activities in the times of the People’s Republic of Poland as a result of which they found themselves on forced emigration in the 1980s. The group developed its own method of working on shows whose essence is the technique of actors’ improvisation. In addition to indoor shows, the theatre makes outdoor performances addressed to broad audience, invariably inspired by social and political themes. Outdoor shows of Teatr Ósmego Dnia travelled through all continents; recently Czas Matek has been shown in Chile at Santiago a Mil Festival. The theatre is also engaged in educational and culture-forming activities - organizes meetings, workshops, invites alternative theatre groups and opens their room to young artists.
project production: Teatr Ósmego Dnia in cooperation with Inicjatywa Pracownicza at HCP
premiere: Malta Festival Poznań 2013
coproduction: Malta Festival Poznań, Fundacja Teatru Ósmego Dnia in cooperation with H. Cegielski - Poznań S.A.