The show GRAMY4U was born of the need to take issue with the external representations of masculine world. Staying away from psychological analysis, five performers play with the models of masculine stereotypes using movement, sound and technical minimalism. The symbolic reconstruction of the world of the “sterner” sex serves the purpose of exposing its true face and viewing through the distorting mirror the mechanisms of the world which imposes on men limiting models of identity and behaviour. Out of a series of games, everyday reality emerges, with humour and brutality, rivalry and friendship, poetry and prose of mundane desires. An important element of the show is music composed by Czesław Mozil, one of the most defiant and surprising artists of the Polish stage.
Movements Factory was formed in 2008 in Poznań on the initiative of Iwona Pasińska and Marcin Maćkiewicz. It originated from the fascination with, adoration of and humility towards movement through which the group wants to explore, experience and capture the “realism of the present day”. Movements Factory distances itself from socio-cultural phenomena and, at the same time, develops its own language of theatrical discourse whose most important means and tool is minimalism. The author of concepts and choreography of the band’s shows is Iwona Pasińska – a choreographer, drama expert and dance dramaturge, for 11 years the first soloist of Polski Teatr Tańca. As a choreographer, she made shows in Atelier Polskiego Teatru Tańca; she cooperates with many theatres in Poland, including Teatr Wielki in Poznań, Opera Nova in Bydgoszcz, Teatr Powszechny in Warsaw, Teatr Ochoty in Warsaw, Teatr Polski in Poznań, Teatr Polski in Wrocław and Teatr Wybrzeże in Gdańsk. In the projects created with Movements Factory, Iwona Pasińska enters new areas of artistic search on the borderline of contemporary dance, performance, music and education.
concept, choreography: Iwona Pasińska
music / live music: Czesław Mozilscenography: Honza Polivka
costumes: Adriana Cygankiewicz
players: Piotr Chudzicki, Kacper Lipiński, Adrian Rzetelski, Sławomir Bernat, Czesław Mozil,
production: Marcin Maćkiewicz / Poznańskie Stowarzyszenie Inicjatyw Teatralnych
co-production: Centrum Kultury Zamek in Poznań
premiere: April 17, 2009 in the Great Hall of CK Zamek as part of the event madeinpoznan.noc. The premiere produced with the financial support of the Poznań City Hall and Fundacja J&S Pro Bono Poloniae.