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24/06 - 20/07/2013

Wieczorynka na żywo / Agata Elsner / photo Marcin Oliva Soto
GalleryWieczorynka na żywo / Agata Elsner / photo Marcin Oliva Soto
  • Wieczorynka na żywo will take children into the world of children’s literature by reading, interpreting, modulating, creating stories, characters and figures. The moderators will first read the selected work and, afterwards, interpret it together with children, and create a short stage adaptation. Games and plays will create mini-shows, original and often surprising, because we aim at freeing the unlimited imagination of the young literature readers.

    Wieczorynka na żywo is a combination of two projects: “Głośne Czytanki” and the project “CZYTAMY!” by Kluboksiegarnia GŁOŚNA.

    Children aged 5 to 9 and children with a mild level of disability aged 10 to 18 are welcome to join reading and playing together.

    Moderators: Magdalena Janaszek, Agata Elsner, Natalia Dolata.