The physical characteristics of the majority of ping-pong balls are usually similar. An average ball has the diameter of 40 millimetres and weighs around 2.7 grams. It can change its position in three ways: by rolling along the floor, by flying in a curve-like motion or by making a series of leaps through the space. Once dropped from 30 cm, it can only rise up to 23 cm. On each bounce the height decreases according to this coefficient, until the ball cannot rise off the floor anymore. The character of the bounce depends largely on the ground surface. On the right floor, the ball produces a hollow staccato sound on each touch. It is also highly dependent on the strength of the initial impulse to bounce. Eventually, due to the friction between the ball, the ground and the air, it comes to a stop. Once they are in a group, ping-pong balls behave unpredictably and randomly, and they deviate from their original trajectory in a surprising way.
The Ballroom was awarded a distinction by the network of presenters Aerowaves.
Begüm Erciyas is a Turkish choreographer born in Ankara. While studying molecular biology and genetics in Turkey, she was involved in various dance projects as the member of a collective [laboratuar] – performing arts research group. Afterwards, she studied at the Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance (SEAD). In 2006 she received the prestigious grant of danceWeb programme as part of the festival Impulstanz in Vienna and co-created an art collective, Sweet and Tender Collaborations. She was awarded a number of grants and residencies in Germany. Since 2010 she has been living and working in Berlin, in 2011 she received the grant of the Senate of Berlin. She is the author of such works as the lake (2011), MATCH (2011) and this piece is still to come (2012).
choreography: Begüm Erciyas
starring: Ewa Bankowska, BegümErciyas
artistic cooperation: Ewa Bankowska, Jenny Beyer, Sigurdur Arent Jonsson
sound: Jetzmanni Lucas Dietrich
co-production: K3 - Center for Choreography | Tanzplan Hamburg
with the support of: Bimeras (Istanbul)
Ballroom was created as part of the European Union programme LOOPING, developed by Uzèsdanse CDC, in cooperation with TanzWerkstatt Berlin, O Espaço do Tempo, Portugal.Thanks to Bojana Kunst, Markus Dross, Valentina Desideri, Pauli Caspao, Sweet and Tender Collaborations collective