We started with digging up the history of Wolności Square, formerly a green oasis, the site of leisure and social gatherings – a resident-friendly space. The richness of this history contributed to the fact that the participants of our meetings chose Plajta (Fiasco) among four other potential locations for our garden. By starting a garden in a desolate concrete square we are accepting the challenge of enlivening it. Together we will plant flowers, herbs, vegetables and fruit shrubs, and this will take us back to the green roots of Wolności Square!
We are supported in the creation of our garden by our very special partners: the “Lepszy Świat” Association, Jola and Dawid of Atelier Starzak Strebicki – Pracownia Architektury, students from the Gardeners’ Scientific Circle at the Poznań University of Life Sciences, the Wolności Square Association and members of the Housing Estate Council, as well as residents and volunteers. Thank you! If you wish to join us we will greatly appreciate your help and look forward to seeing you at Wolności Square at 5 p.m. today.