Ośrodek Teatralny Maski is run by artists from Teatr Biuro Podróży and is located in Hanka Hall of Residence, a monumental building, an example of palace architecture. It is a special place on the map of Malta, because it has been part of the festival almost from its inception.
The stage of OT MASKI hosted the legends of avant-garde theatre, The Living Theatre or Compagnia Laboratorio Di Pontedera – the group characterized by the highest discipline and impeccable craft, continuing the theatrical practice of Jerzy Grotowski, who presented an Italian version of Hamlet. Polish theatre representatives who performed in Hanka Hall of Residence include Akademia Ruchu, Teatr Pieśni Kozła and Teatr Porywacze Ciał. During Malta Festival Poznań the audience could watch Alien by Teatr Palmera Eldritcha, which is a Poznań-based group invited by Howard Pflanzer, a playwright from New York to a joint theatrical project